Part-Time at HIJRAH
Back when it was during online class in 2nd semester,i got myself a part-time job at Hijrah Excel AF Sdn.Bhd.
I work as a packaging staff that packed the online order that they received from 8 am to 5 pm on my free days.
They pay part-timers every day at the end of the day.While working there, I learned to get along with other workers of
different ages and how to communicate and socialize. However, I stopped once the face-to-face learning sessions started.
Practical at kindergarten
Back in diploma, I had my practical for 2 months at Balqis Kindergarten and another 2 months at Taska Azalea.
At Balqis Kindergarten, I was assigned to a 3-4 year old children, which identified as reception class.
At their age, their classes are more geared towards learning while playing. Therefore, learning and teaching
sessions with them are relaxed and fun, but require a lot of patience and firmness in controlling them.
At Azalea Nursery, I manage children aged 0-4 in terms of feeding, sleeping and care. Their daily activities
needed to be recorded in their own log book. It s quite an adventure task taking care of kids these age.
Children Librarianship Program
When I am in the 5th semester, I am one of the facilitators in charge to handle a group of children along with
a few other people. We have our own group name as well as cheering song. The entire group consists of
kids of various ages from kindergarten. Throughout the exploration, we guide the children to ensure the
smoothness of the program at each checkpoint.
In addition, I also functioned as a prize bureau, where we had to change the prizes we had assigned
for each game following the increase number of children. In the end we got 2nd place in the exploration.
Nirmala Menggamit Kenangan
In 3rd semester, we organized a program for one of our course subjects which is Public Relation. For the program,
I was in-charge of handling the accent quiz session. We discussed the session together while being
guided by the lecturer. Before the day of the event we had practiced to ensure the smoothness of
the session on the day of the event.
But, we had to change the words at the last minute. However, everything went smoothly, both my
partner and me acted out a scenario for the audience to guest. The audience also showed a very good
and lively response.